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How to Skateboard Uphill: 6 Tips and Tricks
Last Updated: January 01, 2024
It can be tough to learn to skateboard uphill. The slope makes it difficult to get the speed and pushing uphill, and it’s hard to maintain your balance. But with the right techniques, you can make it up that hill with ease! In this blog post, we will discuss some tips and skateboarding tricks that will help you skateboard uphill like a pro!

1. Choose The Right Skateboard

When choosing a skateboard for uphill, you want to make sure you select the right model. A shorter and wider board is ideal for this purpose, as it will be easier to control and maneuver. You also want to make sure the deck is made of a durable material that can withstand the added stress of going uphill. Maple or bamboo decks are a good choice for this.
Additionally, you want to make sure your front trucks are tightened properly. This will help you maintain control of your board as you make your way up the hill. And finally, be sure to choose softer wheels. Harder wheels are more likely to slip on an uphill surface.
2. Find A Good Hill To Uphill Pumping

One of the most important things you need to do when learning how to skateboard uphill is find a good hill to practice on. You don’t want to find a hill that’s too steep, as this will make it difficult to get the speed and maintain your balance. You also don’t want a hill that’s a too flat surface, as this won’t give you the challenge you need to improve your skills. Look for a hill that has a moderate slope and is smooth so you can get a good ride.
3. Practice On Smaller Hills Before Attempting A Bigger One

If you’re just starting out, it’s best to practice on smaller hills before attempting a bigger one. That way, you can get a feel for the movement and build up your confidence. Once you’ve mastered the small hills, you’ll be ready to take on the big ones! Here are some beginner tips for practicing on smaller hills:
- Start by riding down the hill a few times to get a feel for the terrain.
- Get a friend to help you kick push or you can do push multiple times yourself.
- Take your time and don’t be afraid to stop and rest if you need to.
4. Lean Into The Hill As You Skateboard Up It For More Speed And Stability
Leaning into the hill as you skateboard up is a great way to gain speed and stability. When you lean into the hill, you are using gravity to your advantage, which will help you get up the slope more quickly with tight quick pumps or short pumps. You should also lean into the hill when making turns, as this will help you stay balanced and prevent you from tipping over. Practice leaning into the hill at a different slight angle to find what works best for you.
5. Use Your Hands For Balance And Steering
If you’re having trouble maintaining your balance while skateboarding uphill, try using your hands for help. Place one hand on the ground and use it to steady yourself as you ride. You can also use your hand to help steer yourself up the hill. By keeping your weight balanced, you’ll be able to make it up the hill with ease!
6. Be Careful When Skating Down Hills!
Skating down hills can be a lot of fun, but it can also be dangerous. The faster you go, the harder it is to control your skateboard. If you lose control, you could end up crashing into something or someone. Here are a few tips to help you stay safe when skating down hills:
- Always skate at a speed you are comfortable with. Don’t try to go too fast, especially if you do not fall properly under the experienced skaters’ category.
- Stay alert and keep your eyes on the road ahead of you.
- Make sure you have plenty of space to slow down or stop. If necessary, use your hands to help you slow down.
- Watch out for obstacles in your path, such as potholes, cracks, or debris.
- Make sure there are no pedestrians and traffic around you.
Tips From Other Skaters
- Don’t use powerful pumps when going down, this will build speed up your board which can make unease for you at the time if you are not faced the situation earlier.
- Make sure to wear proper skate shoes.
- Practice more in your local skate park or parking lot.
- Always wear protective gear while skateboarding uphill i.e. knee pads, elbow pads, wrist guards.
- Grip tape should be of good quality in order to stable momentum.
- Cover long distances in order to build momentum.
- Make sure your upper body is flexible enough to tackle the situation. In this case, prior perform intense full body workout to get in shape.
By following these tips, you can help prevent accidents and enjoy skating down hills! Just be sure to skate at a comfortable speed and always be aware of your surroundings. Have fun and be safe and enjoy cruising with best skateboard for cruising!
Longboard Uphill Pumping
It is the second most common method of longboarding uphill pumps. Longboard pumping has been a fascinating topic for some time that I have covered a little further above. I mainly concentrate on hill pumping. As explained in an earlier post pumping is a flowing and powerful motion that creates stability to the ride a skateboard by zigzagging along roads in a constant direction. Pumping can be easier on flat terrain than on steep slopes where your force is weak. Pumping can differ somewhat when you ride longboards.
Tight Quick Pumps Uphill
Your major challenge will be to determine the optimal combination between power and frequency. It is best to do tight cuts and long pumps at your hip with limited upper body rotations that you can do when longboarding up hills. In fact, on steeper slopes, very strong pumps often result in speed losses; short quick pumps using the lead foot on the bolt may yield more effective effects than driving a car in slow gear. Look at this video (mentioned below) for some good examples.
Uphill Pushing Vs Pumping
The pump takes much greater effort on steep climbs and is usually quicker than pushing up the hills. Pumping can also become extremely fun, an experience that many riders find extremely enjoyable. Pumping is an overall exercise compared to pushing. Combining them can lead to a positive outcome when short boarding – either flat or downhill.
With the right techniques, skating uphill can be a breeze! By following the tips and tricks discussed in this blog post, you’ll be able to skate up any hill with ease. So next time you’re faced with steeper hills, don’t be discouraged – just put these techniques into practice and enjoy the ride! Thanks for reading!
Frequently Asked Questions:
How can I teach myself to skateboard?
Let’s assume you own your own skateboarding gear.
- Try practicing the position
- Start street skating on paved ground.
- Look at skaters for tricks.
Is it hard to learn how to skateboard?
Skateboarding is one of the most exciting sports, but the technique is difficult. Then you have to start by focusing primarily on your age, fitness, and gut health. Skating has no difficulty when starting with the basic basics. Learn to balance and push before experimenting with tricks.
How much is required to learn skateboarding?
A skateboarder can be proficient from 6 to 12 months old. In 12 months you can learn some basic skateboarding skills. It’ll be possible to learn advanced techniques within a few months. Depending on the individual progress timeline.