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How to Stand on a Skateboard Without Fear – 4 Step Guide
Last Updated: January 01, 2024
Are you having trouble standing on your skateboard? Do you keep falling off and don’t know how to stay on? In this blog post, I’ll teach you how to stand on a skateboard and remain stable. It may take some practice, but with a little effort, you’ll be able to skate like a pro!

What you’ll need
First of all, you need to have the proper equipment. This includes a skateboard, a helmet, and knee and elbow pads. Make sure you have a good quality skateboard that is the right size for you. It should be big enough so that both feet can fit on the board, but not too big where it is difficult to control. The helmet is important for safety in case you fall. And the pads will protect your knees and elbows in case you take a spill.
Following are the step by step guide for your reference:
Step 1: How To Position Your Body

Now that you have the proper equipment, it’s time to learn how to position your body which is essential if you really want to perform skateboarding tricks. Now, You want to start by standing in the middle of the board. Place your feet about shoulder-width apart with one foot slightly behind the other. Bend your knees and lean forward slightly so that you are in a comfortable stance.
Now that you know how to position your feet and body weight, it’s time to learn how to move.
Step 2: How To Push Off The Ground And Move Forward

To start moving, you need to push off the ground with your back foot. Put your front foot in the middle of the board and lean forward slightly. Bend your back knee and push off the ground with your heel. As you’re pushing off, shift your weight onto your front foot. You should feel yourself glide forward. If you’re having trouble, practice this move on grass or a carpeted surface first.
Step 3: How To Balance Yourself

The key to not falling off your skateboard is balance. You want to keep your weight evenly distributed on both feet. As you’re gliding forward, keep your front foot in the middle of the board and your back foot near the tail. If you start to feel yourself losing balance, quickly shift your weight back towards the center of the board. Practice this until you feel comfortable and confident skating. Though, You can find the list of balance skateboards here.
Step 4: How To Steer And Turn

Now that you know how to do body movement and balance yourself, it’s time to learn how to steer and turn. To turn left, shift your weight onto your left foot and push off with your right. To turn right, do the opposite. You can also use your feet to control your speed. If you want to go faster, lean forward and put more weight on your front foot. To slow down or stop, lean back and put more weight on your back foot.
6 Tips for beginners

Tip No. 1:
Start skating on a flat, smooth surface like a driveway or sidewalk. Avoid hills or rough terrain at first.
Tip No. 2:
Practice in short bursts so you don’t get too tired.
Tip No. 3:
If you’re having trouble balancing, try holding onto something stable like a fence or railing.
Tip No. 4:
Always wear a helmet and appropriate safety equipment.
Tip No. 5:
Don’t skate in traffic or crowded areas.
Tip No. 6:
Always be aware of your surroundings.
Frequently Asked Questions
What do I need to skate?
You’ll need a skateboard, helmet, and knee and elbow pads.
How do I stand on the board?
Place your foot in the middle of the deck and apply pressure to pop the tail up. As the tail pops up, shift your weight onto your front foot and place your back foot on the tail of the board.
How should a skateboard stand be for beginners?
For beginners, it is best to have the skateboard standing on its own. This will give you stability and more balance.
Is it easy to stand on a skateboard?
Yes, with a little bit of practice you will be able to stand on your skateboard with ease.
How do I make my skateboard more comfortable?
You can make your skateboard more comfortable by adding grip tape to the top of the deck. This will provide you with more traction and a better feel for the board. Additionally, you can also add risers to the trucks which will raise the board up off the ground and make it easier to turn.
What are some helpful tips for standing on a skateboard?
Some helpful tips for standing on a skateboard are to keep your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees, and keep your weight centered over the board. Additionally, it is important to practice in an open area where you have plenty of space to fall without injuring yourself.